Welcome to an Xbox free zone...

This blog was started as an allergic reaction to my dedicated Xbox gamer boyfriend's relentless gaming...

Thursday 3 January 2013

Recipe - Quick Chicken Biryani

This recipe was originally lamb but I made it with chicken.

1 tbsp balti curry paste (we used Pataks version)
2 chicken breasts (cubed)
120g basmati rice (rinsed in cold water)
250ml chicken stock
200g spinach leaves
1 large onion
2 fresh red chillis
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp ginger paste
200g green beans (chopped in 1 inch lengths)
2 calorie controlled sprays of oil

Heat a large pain and spray oil on bottom. Add onion, garlic, chilli and ginger and fry until softened slightly.  Add the balti paste and stir/heat until fragrant.

Add the chicken and fry until browned. Add the dry rice and green beans and stock and stir well.
Bring to the boil, cover with a lid, then cook for 15mins on a medium heat until three rice is soft.

Stir through spinach and re-cover the pan with the lid and leave to steam, undisturbed, for 5mins.

Serve immediately :-)

Thursday 27 December 2012

Christmas is over

Christmas is over - I am about 12 stone heavier than I was prior to Christmas. That means my work of over eating is done and time to start the New Year!! :D

Some highlights of Christmas - got some awesome gifts (a years couples membership to the National Trust, a new Regatta coat, some good walking shoes, welly boot socks, a smart coat for going out, two hampers, some books about wildlife and knitting, a DVD, a "Make your own owl doorstop kit", wine, a reminder list, sweets and chocolates, a board game called Settlers of Catan, a lovely big cardigan, bottle of baileys, some cookie cutters, a head massager, a Dove set, some piano music, an Amazon Kindle voucher... it goes on!)

As you can tell, despite the fact that there was only the three of us (humans, that is, not to exclude the two dogs, and the cat who also got presents) the tree was positively heaving underneath with the weight of presents!

Matt enjoyed opening his presents, as did I!!! :)

This week, then, we hope to go for a country walk (thanks to the National Trust App) which is already mapped out etc to start to use our membership. Once we've tested out how it all works, we'll be off! (hopefully) I am pretty excited as it's what we've been talking about doing for a while, and is certainly right up my street in terms of things I like to do. It'll be nice to do something that doesnt revolve around food, booze or gyms.

When I'm feeling braver and there's a little more light, I will be sorting out the horse riding too!

What else to tell you? I've been playing Syberia (point and click game) today - it is SO frustrating when you have no patience whatsoever. I will have to learn a bit!!

Matt has been playing Far Cry 3 continuously for some time, and finally finished it today. Unfortunately, he is now on to something with Zombies. I will be having nightmares again no doubt!

I've also started the post Christmas chores - lots of cleaning to be done. I used the turkey to make a nice stock and a turkey soup which we had for dinner earlier. Yum!! All gone now though :(

Might be time to try fodmap diet again - my IBS is back with avengence, as is usual whenever I eat things I shouldnt. Sigh.

Anyway, it is late and Matt has work tomorrow (tee hee, I dont!!) so I shall be disappearing shortly.

G out xxx

Sunday 23 December 2012

It's been a while....

It's Christmas eve today, so I thought I'd take the time to reflect on the year very briefly and talk a little about next year's mission.

2012... This time last year I was facing up to the fact that I really needed to do something about my weight. I did that but have recently slipped back due to an amazing holiday in Mexico. I wouldn't change this year, with the exception of one very sad event, so I have decided to be pleased with the overall weight loss and the fun times I had, and aim to do the same next year!!

The sad news was the passing of my Grandma. We all miss her terribly, and I am sure more so now it is Christmas. I miss her particularly for all the little things - not having our whittering chats every week, her sage advice, her boundless enthusiasm and support in everything I did. I still find myself wanting to tell her things (am often to found chattering to thin air in the vain hope she will hear) I think losing her and seeing what a good, kind, determined and yet humble and selfless lady she was to everyone, has had a profound impact on my thinking. I am determined that my own self doubt and fear will no longer have the upper hand in my decision making process. I wish I could thank her for everything she was to me.

So next year then. I will be putting health (back and body) first, and will be losing 20kg. (Don't panic, I will still be in healthy weight range) I have given up the gym, to be replaced with daily dog walks, cycling, and horse riding on a more regular basis. I want to do some jumping lessons after normal lessons. I will be going Euro camping, to several exciting weddings and Matt will be 30!!

So thank you for reading this year - more updates to follow, but in the meantime I wish everyone a happy Christmas and a joyous new year.

G out xxx

Saturday 7 July 2012

Carry On (Cue Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young)

http://youtu.be/nP0VBB7BO64 (sound track for this post)

I am in a fabulous mood today, I think primarily because we have had an unexpected day of sunshine, which has meant we have got everything that we needed to get done, done in a much quicker time than expected.

Now that we're back at home, and Matty is playing Kingdoms of Amalur: The Reckoning (I don't even really need to go in to mocking the overly elaborate title really, it's a bit too obvious!) It is the longest game ever, in the history of all mankind. FACT. Incredibly repetitive to watch too.
1 - Run.
2 - Meet badies.
3 - Kill badies.
4 - Have a discussion with a multicoloured wise bloke / woman.
5 - Run.
6 - Repeat ad infinitum.

I should go in to games reviewing... !!!

Anyway, I am also in a good mood, because I've lost again this week and I am now just 1.6kg from my overall target. I literally cannot believe it. It seems we have been doing it for SO long, and although I knew that, after a few weeks, it was likely to be an attainable target, I dont know if I ever actually believed I would get to this stage. But here I am.

I still think of myself as the same size that I started at though, so it constantly amazes me when things don't fit or I have to go down a size. So today I dug out the picture that was 50% responsible for my post-Christmas weight related meltdown, and got Matty to take one of me today. It's mostly to try to make myself see the actual progress, and it is surprising.

I am a little concerned that we'll go on holiday and that I will end up inadvertantly eating way too much, particularly as the emphasis is so much on rich / cheesy / alcoholic things, which means that it'll tot up the WW points really quickly! It has been so much hard work to lose the last 2 KG though that I think I'll have to keep myself on track! Either that or I'll be running for half the day!!!

Matt, incidently, is killing something on the Xbox at present. There are 2 more things to kill, and then no doubt he'll have to speak to a purple and yellow sage bloke, before running a bit further. Just thought I'd keep you updated.

For now then, I shall disappear and make our healthy dinner. Seeing as we're going out to Sheffield on Thursday for a curry with my old work colleagues, I have to save my extra points for then. The rest of the day will involve washing and ironing, so that we are ready to pack. For holiday. I literally cannot wait.

G out x

Wednesday 4 July 2012

The best boyfriend in the world

I have just checked in to Matt and my flights for just over a week's time. I literally cannot wait, for the following reasons.

1 - It is one of the 2/3 times a year that I get to see my parents and my cat.
2 - I am SO ready for some sunshine (no pressure France, but y'all better have that yellow blob in the sky or else)
3 - I am really looking forward to some quality time with Matt, without the stresses of modern life / jobs / balancing acts trying to get in the way
4 - I'm looking forward to not having to sit in this twice every day for an hour each way.

5 - I am SO ready for a rest

When you consider Matt's job move and my changes to my job, a serious attack of back pain, and this week a seriously mean cold, we have had plenty to keep us busy / stressed lately.

We have also been on the Northern Meet drive for the weekend, and on a tour around Leeds last weekend.

Now the Tour. This is well worth a mention, because I thought it was the sweetest thing ever done for me. While we were out looking at the Olympic Torch, Matt realised just how much the local population coming together to see it meant to me (growing up in a small community means that community feel is very important to me, and I have seen little evidence of it so far, beyond our cracking neighbours) So he hatched a plan, which involved taking me in to Leeds on the bus, as a tour guide, and then taking me to various places in Leeds that I don't know, that he always talks about. We also went to the Museum which was great fun, had a lovely lunch together and then a relaxed evening. We purchased Widget (toy in picture). He's soooo cute.

Matt also included the purchase of this dress in our Tour - it is a size 12. Must be a large size 12, but nevertheless, it's worth recording as my first ever size 12 in anything.

The whole day was just great fun, so thank you Matty.

Shortly after I got sick, and then seriously grumpy.

Matt is away tonight, somewhere near Birmingham. Eating curry (lucky!!). I miss him lots. I even miss the Xbox. A little bit.

I could have spent all evening reflecting on how great it is to be able to be able to be positive for other people for once in my glass-half-empty life, which I have managed twice today. But I'm not in a focussed enough mood to be reflective, which I blame on the chest / head pain.

What I will say, is that shortly before I see my family or friends, it always hits home how much I miss them. But it is a testament to Matt's love and care and affection, that I do not feel that way 24/7.

So this blog is dedicated to the best boyfriend in the world. My Matty xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 16 June 2012

G is back....

So the laptop is finally fixed, and I can start to write my blog again.

Which is a relief, because I gained 0.8kg this week. I am NOT angry with myself about this, because on Friday last week when I woke up I was in agony, and have been taking medication all week to settle my bad back down. So no exercise and medicine, I can't be kicking myself.

It does mean, however, that there are now only 11 weeks left until my deadline of my birthday, and I still have 4kg to lose. That means that I have to get serious now. And that's bad timing, because I am going on holiday and have about 100 parties / weekends away coming up. Sigh.... I needed to be at target by the time I went out to France. Butt into gear time...

Our garden is up and running... it's lovely and has been a lot of hard work. Rather than talk you through it, I'll post some pics below.

Today I have had a haircut and had my eyebrows threaded. I figured that we are so busy for the next few weeks that it would need doing early!

Next week is the Northern Meet with the BMW forum, which I am really looking forward to. I will hopefully have some photos to put up of the route / days out etc.

I have too much else to catch up with, so for now I will leave it at that, and we'll start again when Matty starts gaming again.

G out x

Saturday 2 June 2012

"Your browser is no longer supported by blogger!"

Grr....!!! It's so annoying when, for some unexplained reason, Blogger will not allowed the computer to let you write. Today, for some reason, it is working. Our laptop is currently away for repair, after nearly a year's service, it decided to go pop. So I am borrowing another, which hasnt liked my blogging!! Lots to catch up on.... Serious gardening.... we spent the whole day, dawn til dusk, gardening and laying a lawn. In further news, that lawn is now growing. Granted it's a little patchy, but it's a great start and I look forward to being able to use it either later in the summer or next year, to sit in the sun. Next to the lawn, Matt has constructed a massive raised bed for me to have a little kitchen garden, out of the leftover decking planks that we had kicking about. Around the other side of the house, we have deployed all of the stones that used to be where the new lawn is, so that it all looks a whole lot neater than it had done in the past. I had been running lots, but my hip started to play up and then my back. I've taken a break for a good many weeks from any form of strong running, and it has started to settle down now. I have also realised that my posture when running is awkward, leaning forward much more than I should and consequently putting strain on my low back / hips. So last night I went for a 4k run (jog, with some walking patches as I am less fit than I had been) and tried the new posture. Came home slightly sore, but nowhere near as bad as I have been! In weight loss news, Matt and I are still pushing on strongly. I have now lost a total of 15.1kg, and am just 3.5kg away from target. Matt is just 1.8kg away from his. We are both having major wardrobe issues now. In particular, I am struggling because I want to replace my old clothes, but at present the fashion is so hidious that I cannot really find anything that I particularly like. I'm sure that I will get there, and it is a small price to pay. I feel much better in myself. Last weekend we went to Bibi's for cocktails and then into Leeds for Mexican, to celibrate Ali's birthday. Had such a great night, really enjoyed myself and the company. Had friends over on Thursday for a curry cooked by Matt, which I really enjoyed. He didnt like the curry which is a shame, as it was one of my favourites! Light, tasty and didnt make me poorly!! Still feel like I'm struggling a little to settle myself in properly to Leeds, mostly just miss my closest friends and I don't suppose that will ever go away - Just need to make the time to see them more, either going back south or them coming up to me. I intend to organise a get together for some time August / Sept, so that I can try and get everyone in the same place. At least before I hit 30 anyway lol!!! Long bank holiday weekend this weekend, and I am so glad. BBQ tonight at Liz's, followed by a party tomorrow night. Then a little shopping, a little gardening and some reading, and I will be a happy bunny. G out x